How many DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen franchises are there?
We have 44 franchisees operating nationwide.
How much can I make?
Several of the business owners who have started a bath and kitchen franchise with DreamMaker have made Remodeling magazine’s annual Big50 list of top remodelers nationwide. Performance varies based on the marketplace, skills, and work of individual franchisees, which is why we don’t make financial representations about actual earnings. With that said, individual franchisees you interview during your investigation process are typically willing to share their data. What we choose to focus on is margins — the profit per job that our franchisees earn from their work. Low margins, which are common in the remodeling industry, can hinder your ability to hire, grow and prosper — and we focus a lot of energy on helping franchisees maintain strong margins and quality of life.
Why is owning a DreamMaker Bath and Kitchen Franchise better than having my own remodeling firm?
DreamMaker’s buying power and vendor relationships allow you to earn higher margins on materials while remaining price competitive, and our pricing, financial and management systems help you run your business at peak efficiency, holding down costs while speeding your workflow — and that allows you to make more money per job. There are other benefits to our bath and kitchen franchises. Leveraging our marketing systems to generate leads and comprehension of our sales system are keys to growth. DreamMaker franchisees enjoy strong training, support and ongoing coaching, as well as a family of remodeling professionals who are willing to share strategies and solutions to help your business thrive. Our bath and kitchen franchise business opportunities are ultimately designed to help you grow the business, hire the right people to make your business easier to manage, and achieve success while still having time for your faith, your family, your friends, your community and your hobbies.
Do I need construction experience?
Construction experience helps, but it is not required. You do need to have some basic knowledge of home repair, and be interested in home design, but you can hire skilled carpenters to handle production work. The ability to learn and apply new information is needed. The most important thing is to have a passion for listening to people and helping make their dreams a reality, while offering guidance to help them get the most enjoyment out of their home with remodeling and makeover services for baths and kitchens.
Can I be an absentee owner of a DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen Franchise?
Eventually, it is possible. It is important to be an active owner for the first several years as you grow your business and establish DreamMaker’s systems, but part of our franchise philosophy is having well-defined roles for new employees so that you are able to assign different responsibilities and step into a managerial role. Our franchise business opportunities have helped countless remodelers transition from working 80-hour weeks (where they are contractor, marketer, salesman and accountant) to working normal workweeks, reducing the number of hats they wear and focus in more while overseeing the business more effectively. Eventually, as your staff matures, you can grow the business to have a general manager to oversee day-to-day remodeling and makeover services for baths and kitchens and daily operations.
How much are royalties?
Royalties for new DreamMaker franchises range from 3% to 7%, depending on gross sales, with higher sales resulting in lower royalties. Royalties for existing remodeling businesses that join the DreamMaker system range from 3% to 4% based on the total revenue being rolled into the system.
Do I have to have a Design Center?
Yes. The Design Center is one of the things that sets DreamMaker apart from many of the other bath and kitchen remodeling franchises in the industry. It allows potential customers to experience a variety of cabinets, sinks, faucets, tubs, showers and surfaces in actual displays of kitchens, baths and more — and it also demonstrates your permanence in the community. Most franchisees do not start out with a Design Center. Within three months after completing Waco Training, you must begin operating from a commercial location that meets our then-current site selection criteria for a design center as set forth in the Manual.
Do I have to offer full-service interior remodeling, or can I focus on kitchens and baths?
You can absolutely focus on kitchen and bath remodeling and makeover services! Our name and our marketing materials reflect how important kitchen and bath remodeling is for a successful remodeler, and many of our most successful franchisees have built their businesses by focusing on kitchen and bath remodeling and makeover services. The nice thing about our bath and kitchen franchise business opportunities is that, once you are comfortable in your new business and have a great team of carpenters, if a customer asks you to tackle a different remodeling project, you will have the systems in place to do a great job and make a solid margin.
Does DreamMaker help with financing?
DreamMaker may finance up to 70% of the franchise fee for your business, and can also help you secure other financing to start your business.
How can I get a copy of DreamMaker’s Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD)?
DreamMaker’s Franchise Disclosure Document is provided to franchise candidates as part of our mutual evaluation process. To get started, fill out our form below.