Code of Values: Remain humble, even in celebration

DreamMaker makes gratitude a central part of our business

DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen has been blessed in many ways, and one of the ways we live our Code of Values™ is by counting our blessings every day, in every way, and by accepting our daily successes humbly, knowing that a higher power is guiding us.

Our latest achievement can finally be shared now that our new Franchise Disclosure Document has been published. With the legal filing complete, we can reveal that we experienced another year of strong average franchise unit store sales growth in 2015, up 4.5% compared to an already strong 2014. In fact, our average sales grew 68% between 2011 and 2015, climbing from $495,524 in 2011 to $833,157 in 2015. That’s nearly four times the growth rate of the remodeling industry overall, which grew 17.2% from 2011 to 2015 according to the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies.

We are battle-tested

DreamMaker President Doug Dwyer Doug Dwyer, on strong margins and quality of life at the DreamMaker Bath and Kitchen Reunion in 2015

The housing recession was an incredibly painful time for the remodeling industry. As homeowner’s discretionary spending dried up, the effects on remodelers were substantial. New home sales virtually vanished, so builders flocked into remodeling in an effort to maintain a revenue stream, which created a glut of competition and drove down prices. Many professional remodelers left the industry.

To survive, we focused intensely on making our processes more efficient, strengthening our franchisee support and more tightly knitting together our franchisees so they could benefit from the collective wisdom of the entire organization. The result? A stronger team that knows how to run a lean organization and is well-versed in best practices for marketing, sales, design and construction.

We are now reaping the rewards of those efforts. Most builders have returned to building homes, and many experienced remodelers moved on to other careers. That has left us with less competition than before, and with stronger systems in place to generate strong margins.

We are blessed with an incredible family of franchisees

DreamMaker franchisees celebrate DreamMaker franchisees celebrate at the annual DreamMaker Bath and Kitchen Reunion in 2015.

The people who are part of DreamMaker are generous, God-loving individuals who believe in growing a business that serves their neighbors. They look out for one another, and they share more than knowledge. They also share wisdom. For instance, several years ago, one of our franchisees was eager to expand his operations. His fellow franchisees, though, realized that he had teenage children, and they asked him: Wouldn’t you rather expand in a couple of years after your kids are in college? Why not enjoy this precious time you have right now, before your kids are out of the house, and take advantage of shorter hours to spend more time with them?

This wasn’t about making money, and it certainly wasn’t about delivering the biggest possible royalty check to DreamMaker. It was about achieving a wonderful quality of life. That’s what we want for our franchisees, and it’s what they want for each other.

We are blessed with wonderful friendships within the industry

We know we don’t know it all. We’re proud of the comprehensive business systems we’ve developed to run an excellent business, but we know that you have look at improving it because the business world is dynamic and ever changing. Innovations and insights abound throughout the remodeling industry. That’s why we’re grateful for our strong relationships with leaders in organizations with great knowledge of construction procedures and design like the National Association of the Remodeling Industry, the National Association of Home Builders, The National Kitchen & Bath Association, Hanley Wood, and for business systems the International Franchise Association is a tremendous resource.

Our friends and colleagues share invaluable insights into the economy and the remodeling and construction industries. We also utilized top consultants and strategic partners to help keep us sharp, as does the collaboration we have with our franchisees in refining our proprietary business systems. Having great advisors who also double as great friends — that’s one of the greatest blessings you can have.

Interested in joining the family?

For in-depth details about the DreamMaker remodeling franchise opportunity, download our free franchise report and start a conversation with us. You also can learn more by visiting our research pages.

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