Is financial success a goal or a byproduct of serving others well?
The phrase “the triple bottom line” was invented in 1994 by John Elkington, the founder of a British consultancy called SustainAbility. He saw the winning formula for businesses moving from “Profit-Profit-Profit” to “People, planet, profit,” meaning companies should measure the level of good they do for others and the world. He argued that profitability is a byproduct of solid corporate citizenry and service to the community.
From its very beginning under President Doug Dwyer, DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen has embodied such values. A values-based culture permeates the organization, from corporate staff to the franchisee community, and eventually is felt by the customer.
When designing and installing a kitchen or bath, contractors are entering into people’s homes. There has to be a high level of trust and a consistent level of professionalism to put the homeowner’s mind at ease.
DreamMaker franchisees and employees are expected to embody its corporate values from the first phone call, through the proposal process, to when the final cleanup is finished and the truck pulls away from the driveway for the last time.
If you are interested in becoming a DreamMaker franchisee, you should take these values to heart:
DreamMaker Code of Values™
We believe…
- in superior service to our customers, our community and to each other as members of the DreamMaker team.
- in counting our blessings every day in every way.
- success is the result of clear, cooperative, positive thinking.
- that loyalty adds meaning to our lives.
- management should seek out and recognize what people are doing right, and treat every associate with respect.
- challenges should be used as learning experiences.
- our Creator put us on this earth to succeed. We will accept our daily successes humbly, knowing that a higher power is guiding us.
- in the untapped potential of every human being. Every person we help achieve their potential fulfills our mission.
- we must re-earn our positions every day in every way.
- in building our country through the free enterprise system. We demonstrate this belief by continually attracting strong people to the DreamMaker team.
- In having fun in the process!
In his ground-breaking TED TALK, Simon Sinek helped business leaders rethink about how to inspire action. Sinek suggests all businesses should “Start with ‘Why.’” They should know why they exist and serve a mighty purpose.
To glorify God;
To be faithful stewards;
To positively impact lives
As it relates to “glorifying God,” DreamMaker’s version is not the “megaphone on the street corner” type of proselytizing. It more subscribes to the model of St. Francis of Assisi, who supposedly once said, “Preach the Gospel wherever you go, and if necessary use words.”
Learn more
To learn more about DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen’s culture, and how it has helped franchisees build strong businesses, click here.